Finnish Alphabet
Source: Furmilo
Essential Words and Phrases in Finnish
1. Learn how to introduce yourself in Finnish:
Source: Sulkasiipi
2. Learn how to count from 1 to 99 in Finnish:
Source: Sulkasiipi
3 - Days of the week in Finnish:
4. Months of the Year and Family Members:
5 - Colors in Finnish:
Finnish Language Resources
1 - Here is great site prepared by Kimberli to teach you some Finnish grammar.
2 - Virtual Finland brings you everything you need and want to know about Finland, the Finnish people and the Finnish language. One of my faves!
3 - If you want to learn about the "infamous" Finnish cases, visit this site prepared by Panu Mäkinen.
Source: Sulkasiipi
4. Months of the Year and Family Members:
Source: Sulkasiipi
Source: Sulkasiipi
Greetings and Goodbyes in Finnish (among other phrases)
Source: Maija Valos
Finnish Language Resources
1 - Here is great site prepared by Kimberli to teach you some Finnish grammar.
2 - Virtual Finland brings you everything you need and want to know about Finland, the Finnish people and the Finnish language. One of my faves!
3 - If you want to learn about the "infamous" Finnish cases, visit this site prepared by Panu Mäkinen.
Thank you so much!!!